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Thursday, October 27, 2011

McKee Language School Pictures Available for viewing!

Click the following link to see your pictures! McKee Language School Pictures

Anyone can order . . . so pass the website address along!

You have 10 days to order. The ordering website will collect your money through a credit card. If you do not want to pay with credit card, I will accept checks.

If you want to pay with a check, you MUST email me the picture number of your child and the package you want and take the check to McKee Language School.

If you have questions, please email me, I check my email about every 3-4 hours. (except weekends)

Family Photo Sessions

Several of you have asked about family photo sessions. I do still have appointments available in November and December where you can get pictures before Christmas.

You can get $50 discount for booking with me by November 15! ($200 - $50 discount = $150 and you will receive the CD!) email me!